Deploying videos
At the time of writing this, there is no standard file format for volumetric videos. ScannedReality Studio uses its own file format “XRV” (XRVideo). This documentation page describes how videos in this format can be used outside of ScannedReality Studio, and how they can be exported to other formats.
Game engines
ScannedReality maintains plugins for both the Unity and Unreal engines, which make it easy to integrate XRV videos in Unity and Unreal projects.
Unity engine [1]
Our plugin makes it easy to play back XRVideos in a Unity project: Simply add our prefab to your scene and configure it for auto-playback, or control playback from C# scripts if desired.
Suitable for real-time playback in AR and VR (both standalone and PC-VR) as well as traditional 2D display
Supports both the engine’s built-in and Universal render pipelines
Wide platform support: Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android (including Quest 2) [2]
Wide support for renderers: Direct3D11, Metal, OpenGLCore, OpenGLES3
Supports streaming videos from the Internet (beta version, currently excluding audio)
This plugin can be downloaded from the downloads page. Documentation is included as a Readme file within the download.
Unreal engine [2]
XRVideos may be played back in Unreal projects by simply attaching our plugin’s playback component to an actor and starting it from either Blueprint or C++.
Suitable for real-time playback in AR and VR (both standalone and PC-VR) as well as traditional 2D display
Supports lit and unlit display
Wide platform support: Windows, Linux, macOS, iOS, Android (including Quest 2) [2]
This plugin is available in the Unreal Engine Marketplace. Documentation is linked from the plugin’s description in the Marketplace.
Playback on the web
Our JavaScript module enables integrating XRVideos with WebGL applications which run nearly anywhere. Supports every major browser: Chrome(-based), Firefox, and Safari. Playback via JavaScript has lower performance than native playback.
This module can be downloaded from the downloads page. Documentation is included as a Readme file within the download.
Mesh sequence
For applications where use of a standard file format is desired and storage efficiency is less important, each frame of a video may be exported as a static 3D mesh in GLB, PLY, or OBJ format.
This format is also well-suited for export to external applications. For example:
Exported PLY sequences are compatible with Arcturus HoloEdit [2].
Exported OBJ or PLY sequences can be loaded in Blender with the Stop Motion OBJ plugin.
Mesh sequences can be exported in ScannedReality Studio’s View & Edit tab.