Recording details screen


In the recording details screen, the raw data (camera images, point clouds, and audio) of a recording can be inspected. Certain aspects of the recording’s setup can be changed, images and audio can be exported, and reconstructions can be created for selected time ranges within recordings.

To open the recording details screen, double-click a recording in the managing screen.

The screen looks slightly different for snapshot and video recordings: For the latter, there is a timeline on the bottom for playing back the video, which is absent from snapshot recordings. Video recordings also have more items in the side bar on the right. This documentation page discusses both types at once, so be aware that not all elements are present for snapshot recordings.

One of the most important controls on this screen is the display drop-down on the top left. It allows switching between the 3D view, which displays point clouds of the recording, and each of the camera streams within the recording. For example, this shows a depth stream of a Femto Bolt camera being played back:


For video recordings only, there is a timeline on the bottom, enabling seeking within the video. The play / pause button on the bottom left toggles playback of the video.

The following sections describe the contents of the side bar on the right.

Recording details


This section shows some information about the recording and allows to edit its display name, show its folder in the file system, as well as to delete it.


This section is only shown for video recordings.


It shows the start and end timestamp of the video, as well as the current playback timestamp, which may be edited.

Notice that the timestamps are in Unix Time. This is why the start timestamps are different from zero; they give the absolute date and time at which recording started.

Calibration & Configuration


This section is initially in collapsed state. Click its header to show it.

Certain aspects of the recording setup may be changed here:

  • Sensors: Allows changing the software color correction settings for the cameras in the recording.

  • Calibration refinement: Allows automatically optimizing some aspects of the camera calibration. For details, see calibration refinement.

  • Export calibration: Exports the recording’s camera calibration to a YAML file.

  • Import calibration: Imports the recording’s camera calibration from a YAML file.

  • Use the recording’s calibration live: Clicking this button will use the recording’s camera calibration for the live camera setup. This may be useful to use a calibration for live recording that was obtained using the calibration refinement function.

  • Floor: Allows changing the floor calibration.

  • Reconstruction volume: Allows adjusting the reconstruction volume.



This section allows to configure whether the 3D point cloud preview shows points that are inside the reconstruction volume only, whether it shows all points, or whether it shows all points with those outside of the reconstruction volume being in grayscale.



This section allows to configure the recording’s reconstruction settings. These will be used when reconstructing snaphots or videos of the recording.



This section allows for reconstructing snapshots (static 3D meshes) from the recording. It is shown both for snapshot and video recordings; for video recordings, the snapshot will be taken at the current playback time of the recording.



This section is only shown for video recordings. It allows to reconstruct a volumetric video for the whole recording or for a part of it.

The name of the video reconstruction to create can be entered on the top. With the buttons below this, the range to reconstruct may be configured. With the initial setting, the whole recording will be reconstructed. Clicking one of the buttons will set the start respectively the end of the reconstruction range to the current playback timestamp.

The button “Reconstruct video” will reconstruct the video immediately. The small button to the right of this adds the video reconstruction task to the current list of batch tasks.



Export current image … will export the currently displayed camera image as a PNG image. This requires a camera stream to be selected in the “Display:” drop-down on the top left.

Depth images are exported as 16-bit PNGs, with the depths being given in millimeters.

Export audio … may be used to export a video recording’s audio as a WAV file.