Use previous recording setup

Starting the sensors manually lets you resume recording with the latest recording setup without going through the guided recording setup again.

To do this, directly go to the recording screen by clicking the “Record” tab in the tab bar on the top.

If the sensors are not currently active, the program will ask you whether you want to go to the guided recording setup or use the latest previous setup. Choosing the previous setup will automatically load the last used recording setup and start the sensors.

At this point, the latest previously used recording setup has been restored, and if the cameras have not been moved since it was set up, then you may continue recording with it.

Manual setup adjustment

If you want to manually update (parts of) the recording setup, then go to the recording screen and click the “Calibration & Configuration” heading on the top of the side bar to open that section. This will reveal buttons which allow you to go to each setup step individually. Completing a setup step that was invoked in this way will bring you back to the recording screen.

Notice that if you re-do the camera calibration this way, then the floor and reconstruction volume configuration steps will most likely have to be re-done as well, since a new calibration will not preserve these.