Recording screen

The recording screen with a live point cloud preview being shown.
In the recording screen, you can record snapshots (static 3D models) and volumetric videos. Recorded snapshots will be immediately displayed in the 3D view on the left.
The sections below explain the user interface of the side bar on the right.
Setting up remote control allows you to control recording conveniently from your phone or other external device.
Calibration & Configuration
This section contains a button for each setup step from the guided recording setup. Clicking a button brings you to that step, allowing to fine-tune the recording setup. Completing a setup step when invoked from here will return you to the recording screen.
The Calibration & Configuration section starts out in collapsed state. To show it, click its heading text or its arrow icon on the left.
Recording & Reconstruction
This section contains a selector for the workspace that recorded snapshots and videos will be saved to. Workspaces may be edited in the recording settings.
Below, the reconstruction settings can be configured that will be used for reconstructing snapshots and volumetric videos created from within the recording screen.
This section allows recording snapshots (i.e., static 3D models).
The input field at the top defines the name for new snapshots. Snapshots can still be renamed later in the Manage & Process screen.
If the Save raw images checkbox is checked, then taking a snapshot will not only save the reconstructed 3D mesh, but also the raw images that were used to reconstruct that mesh. This allows you to take snapshots on PCs that cannot handle the reconstruction process, or to reconstruct a snapshot with multiple different reconstruction settings. You can find raw snapshot recordings among the raw video recordings in the Manage & Process screen.
The Test snapshot (not saved) button takes a snapshot and shows it in the 3D view without saving it as a file. This is useful for verifying the recording setup before recording a video. Note that this button neither saves the snapshot mesh nor the raw snapshot images, regardless of whether the “Save raw images” checkbox above is active or not.
The Take snapshot button takes a snapshot and shows it in the 3D view, saves the snapshot mesh to disk, and saves the raw images if the “Save raw images” checkbox is checked.
The Timer buttons next to the “Test snapshot” and “Take snapshot” buttons allow setting a start delay for snapshots. This can for example be useful if you want to take a snapshot of yourself for testing.
This section allows recording videos. It functions very similarly to the snapshot group above it.
The input field at the top defines the name for new videos. Videos can still be renamed later in the Manage & Process screen.
Below, the available disk space on the file system partition of the currently selected workspace is displayed.
The Start recording button starts recording a video, showing the recording window.
The Timer button next to the “Start recording” button allows setting a start delay for videos and to limit videos to a maximum duration after which recording will be stopped automatically.
The Open last recorded video and Process last recorded video buttons are available after you recorded a video. They directly open respectively process the newest recorded video.
The Batch button next to the “Process last recorded video” button adds this video processing task to the current list of batch tasks. See batch processing.