Device configuration

The device configuration setup screen with 10 connected Femto Bolt cameras and no configured microphones.
This setup step lets you review the connected devices and configure device settings that will remain fixed once the devices are started.
On the top, the list of detected compatible cameras is shown, as well as the settings for the type of cameras used. These settings for example include the image resolution and frames per second. The default values should work well for most purposes. For documentation on these settings, which can also be accessed in the settings tab, refer to sensor settings.
It is still possible to change the connected cameras during this setup step. If you use Azure Kinect cameras, “Refresh cameras” must be clicked to poll for changes. If you use Femto Bolt cameras, changes should appear automatically after a couple of seconds.
Below the cameras, the list of configured microphones is shown. If you would like to record audio, you can configure which microphone the program should use here. For documentation on this, see the microphone settings in the settings tab.
Once you are happy with the device configuration, click the “Start sensors” button on the bottom right to proceed. After waiting for a moment for the sensors to start up, you should arrive at the sensor configuration step.
For Femto Bolt cameras, startup can take about half a minute or more. This particularly applies in case the configured sync mode on the cameras needs to be changed, which requires rebooting the cameras. Please be patient.