Floor configuration


In this step, the floor may be calibrated in order to obtain upright 3D reconstructions with a well-defined floor height.

In case your cameras are set up such that the floor is not visible, you may still want to use this setup step to mark a different horizontal surface such that you get upright 3D reconstructions.

In the 3D view, a raw point cloud of the scene will be displayed. This is a merged set of all raw 3D points measured by all cameras.


Raw point clouds are used in this setup step because they are fast to create and update, and require no configuration. They are (mostly) unfiltered and will thus contain noticeable artifacts such as noise and color fringes. These point clouds are not representative of the final results.

To calibrate the floor, left-click at least three points on the floor in the 3D view. Each clicked point will be marked with a blinking dot. If you want to remove a marked point again, right-click it.

Once you have marked at least three points, a grid will be displayed which shows where the floor will be calibrated if you accept the calibration. In addition, an arrow in the center of the grid will show which direction is “up”. This direction is automatically determined to point towards the cameras.

You may optionally mark more than three points to increase the accuracy by averaging.

If the floor is not visible in your camera setup, you may mark any other horizontal surface instead. In that case, the automatically determined ‘up’ direction may be incorrect, thus you may have to click the “Flip up direction” button to fix it.

The floor calibration will be applied when exiting this setup step (thus the point cloud will be upright in the next step).